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It's Getting Crazy Out There
Author: BobR    Date: 01/27/2010 13:47:04

There has been much speculation as to the meaning of the supposed end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. Some have taken that to mean that the world will self-destruct. Most rational people reject that as abject foolishness. Perhaps it means that society will self-destruct to the point that calendars are meaningless. The way things are going, it's not out of the realm of possibility.

Beginning with last year, it seems craziness has completely run rampant. Last year were all the Tea Parties, populated by racists, lunatics, and idiots, from the "10thers" to the "birthers" to the plain overt bigots. Naturally, it came to be common knowledge that these rallies were sponsored by FAUX News and health insurance operatives. The one I streamed (briefly) in Atlanta even had an insurance executive as one of its prominent speakers! They weren't even trying to hide it.

More recently, we have the earthquake in Haiti (made worse by the deplorable poverty resulting in poorly constructed buildings, and lack of government response due to corruption). We have liberals and progressives looking for every glass to be half empty (perhaps after 8 years of Bush, some are addicted to being outraged?). We have the Supreme Court approving of fascism.

What other craziness is out there?

The aforementioned FOX Noise was rated as "most trusted" in a recent poll. Yes, the network that was exposed by Paul Greenwald in "Outfoxed", the network that simply repeats GOP talking points (typos and all), the network that gives us Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Michelle Malkin is the most trusted network??

This is the network that gave the ACORN pimp a forum to air his creative film-making with nary a critical eye. How does it fly, then, that the ACORN pimp was busted for trying to bug Mary Landrieu's (D-LA) office? To her credit, even Michelle Malkin is backpedaling on her support of him.

Did I just give props to Michelle Malkin??

On less humorous notes, we find that the war in Iraq has taken it's toll on our humanity in other ways. A new study reveals that 1/3 of all female soldiers admit they have been raped, and 71% have been sexually assaulted. That is horrible. Perhaps that's why certain people are against repealing DADT - they're afraid of being on the receiving end of that kind of sexual savagery.

The torture that was done in the name of "safety" is another blow to our humanity. It turns out that the much-repeated meme that waterboarding saved lives was based on a complete fabrication. The most noted source for this story invented it; he was not there when it happened.

As we try to broker some sort of tenuous peace between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq, and between Israelis and Palestinians, other areas of the world are melting down. There has been artillary fire exchanged between north and south Korea, and the much ballyhooed peace agreement between Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland seems to be on precarious ground as well.

Where will all of this lead us? Perhaps to another 1960s with massive social upheaval? As long as it doesn't include bell-bottoms, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Let's just hope society comes out the other side intact.


54 comments (Latest Comment: 01/28/2010 04:34:15 by livingonli)
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